Everybody wants to buy at the bottom of the market, but how many people actually achieve that goal? Why waiting for lower house prices is costing you big time
In the first month of this Spring season, we saw the highest number of new listings come onto the market since 2021 says John McGrath, McGrath Estate Agents CEO.
One in three Australians who bought their first homes in FY24 did so with the help of the Federal Government’s Home Guarantee Scheme says John McGrath, McGrath Estate Agents CEO.
Affordability challenges in coastal and country towns where home values have grown significantly in recent years are one factor slowing price growth today says John McGrath, McGrath Estate Agents CEO.
Over the past three months, apartments have recorded higher price growth than houses in every capital city except Darwin and Canberra, which both have higher levels of supply at the moment says John McGrath, McGrath Estate Agents CEO.
Investors are back in full force in the property market, with the latest lending data showing 37.1% of new home loans by value went to investors in May. That’s the highest percentage in seven years. One factor encouraging investors back into property is good buying opportunities across the lower price brackets.…